Numerical Analysis

If you need mathematical, financial, and scientific applications, this extensive library of functions takes care of those nitty-gritty, tedious calculations so you can stay focused on the big design picture.

GMATH includes the following Modules:

Roots to Equations in One Variable
  • Newton Raphson Method
  • Bisection Method
  • Secant Method
  • Newton-Horner Method
  • MuLler's Method (Complex Roots)
  • Laguerre's Method

  • Lagrang's Method
  • Divided Difference Method
  • Free Cubic Spline Interpolation
  • Clamped Cubic Spline Interpolation

Numerical Differentiation
  • First Derivative Using 2,3 or 5 Points Formulas
  • Second Differentiation Using 3-, or 5 Point Formula
  • Interpolation with a Cubic Spline
  • First Differentiation of User-Defined Function
  • Second Differentiation of User-Defined Function
Numerical Integration
  • Simpson Method
  • Trapezoid Composite Rule
  • Adaptive Quadrature and Simpson's Rule
  • Adaptive Quadrature and Gaussian Quadrature
  • Romberg Method

Matrix Operations
  • Determinant of a Matrix
  • Inverse Of a Matrix
  • Solving a System Of Linear Equations with Gaussian Elimination
  • Solving a System Of Linear Equations with Gaussian Elimination and Partial Pivoting
  • Solving a System Of Linear Equations with Direct Factoring
  • Solving a System Of Linear Equations with Gauss-Seidel Method

Least Squares Approximations
  • Poly Method
  • Fourier Method
  • Power Method
  • Expo Method
  • Log Method
  • User Defined Method

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

  • Power Method
  • Inverse Power Method
  • Power Method and Weilandt
  • Jacobi Method